Individuals often ask what they can do now to prepare for unexpected illness and death. There are a few key questions that everyone should answer to ensure they are prepared. These questions come from common oversights – oversights that have our clients kicking themselves after the fact! Is your estate plan up to date? Review…
Thinking about and planning for end of life care can be overwhelming. Not only is the process emotionally taxing, but there are a number of moving pieces to be considered. As an attorney, I work with clients who are navigating the legal, financial, medical and emotional paths of this type of planning. When it comes…
From Todd, Aimee and Dain Lind We wanted to do our best to express how grateful we are for the love and compassion we have received while coping with the loss of our son and brother, Donnie Lind, on November 19, 2017. Every expression shared has been healing: cards, calls, emails, text messages, meals (offered…